When I first created my website (with the help from dear friend and “adopted” son Davtid Marx,) I could not have imagined how many years would pass between posts. Like everyone else, life has gotten in the way and I let things slide. Not only did the website go unattended, my studio practice became irregular. Things like downsizing, being without a studio for several months, Covid and family illnesses conspired to keep me out of the studio. I also went through a stagnant painting period where I was unhappy with my work. Motivation to paint and show waned. I did make use of the “down” time taking several online classes from top instructors. Zoom classes are wonderful for artists living in rural areas. My on-going Cold Wax Academy with Rebecca Crowell and Jerry McLaughlin kept me learning and thinking art even when I was not actively painting. Being a member of Women Painters of Washington provided the incentive to not totally give up showing my work during the past 4 years and persevering in the studio.

2024 was a banner year with participation and paintings in 6 shows and two awards. Inspiration returned resulting in a series of 20 new horizon paintings and the beginning of another series. I rediscovered the joy of being in my studio.

2025 is looking bright. I will be showing work at Trail’s End Gallery, Chewelah WA, with other Eastern Washington Women Painters in May. I am thrilled and honored to be part of a two person show with Darcie Roberts. We are sharing our love of landscapes with “ Two Artists One Muse” at Boxx Gallery in Tieton WA, opening May 3rd. It will be a busy and exciting month.

I want to thank Larson Gallery in Yakima for selecting my painting “Palouse November” for their private collection purchase award and Yakima Enological Society for awarding the same painting 3rd Place People’s Choice Award. The saying, “Paint what you know and Love.” certainly has some validity. I owe a shout out to David Marx, who once again came to my rescue guiding me and patiently handholding me through updating this site.

And finally, my heartfelt thank you to the wonderful people who gave my paintings homes and support artists, the galleries and the arts. You are appreciated.


Post show reflections - October 2016